Toledo is for Lovers

Posted: February 23, 2010 in Uncategorized
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Toledo is my new favorite city. After reading about a man who pistol whipped another man outside of Chuck-E-Cheese’s (Harrisburg you’re not alone). After reading the article about this incident I looked at the other headlines. Toledo you are AWESOME!!!!

Man caught having sex with table gets 6 months

Police find dismembered body eaten by dogs

Enraged Toledo woman just wanted McNuggets

Forbes: Toledo is a miserable city

Music of the Week: Damien Rice

Posted: February 22, 2010 in Uncategorized

My toddler is obsessed with Shrek so Damien Rice’s “9 Crimes” is the music of the week.

Glenn Beck targeted Linda Thompson on his show yesterday. Whether you like him or not, it’s comforting to know our cities plight is gaining national coverage. He starts on Harrisburg at 1:07 if you want to skip to it. Thanks ODB for informing me of this video.

No Concensus on the Census

Posted: February 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

I was riding down the elevator today at work and a co-worker and I started talking about the census. The propaganda-strewn flyers are hanging everywhere in our office. 10 questions in 10 minutes.  Simple right. Well he advised me to google census questions to find out what was actually on the census. He stated they would be asking the square footage of your house, how many toilets you had. How much money you made etc. I decided to look it up for myself. Here is what it looks like in all 65 pages of it’s glory.   

It took me more than ten minutes just to skim over 3/4 of it. Un-fucking-believable. Seriously why does the government need to know how many toilets I have in my house? If they want to know what I make contact the IRS. They have the forms of how much I make a year. Be wary America, Big Brother is getting BIGGER.

Music of the Week: Mike Ness

Posted: February 13, 2010 in Uncategorized

Mike Ness “Don’t Think Twice” written by Bob Dylan, made famous by Peter, Paul, and Mary

Suicide is Painless

Posted: February 13, 2010 in Uncategorized

Damn I am so sick of these shootings. What the hell is wrong with people? The most recent shooting in Alabama got me thinking about this. What has to be so horribly wrong in your life that you feel the urge to go on a rampage?  Look if these people feel that bad about their lives why not smoke a joint eat a couple of twinkies and you’ll feel better in the morning. I just don’t understand what happened to traditional suicide. Do you want to be remembered? Does anybody remember the name of that kid from Virginia Tech, how about Columbine, or any of the other shooters? Probably not without googling it. I don’t advocate suicide, all I am saying is don’t take out innocents. Whack yourself, don’t cause senseless pain and misery on those poor people’s families when all they did was go to work.

I am an ordained Priest in the Church of the Latter Day Dude. Our Dudely Lama has just announced our first day of observance. It is March 6th. So take er easy that day. Sit back with some of your friends, sip the sweet nectar of our sacramental beverage-a white russian, and throw a few balls down the lane, or mellow out in your finest bathrob.

Keep Abiding

I Think I Might Be An Avatard

Posted: February 2, 2010 in Movie Reviews
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Star Trek has Trekkies. Star Wars has chic geeks. Lord of the Rings has ringers. Avatar is bound to have Avatards (a term I think I have invented meaning retarded for Avatar). The movie is perhaps the most visually stunning display that has flickered across giant screens since Star Wars. Is it the best story ever? No. Does it bring to mind the thoughts of the Na’avi as Native Americans and the humans as frontier settlers? Yes. Does the story seem to follow a formulaic hollywood pattern? Yes. Is it the coolest movie I have seen in a while? Yes. I can’t recall the last time that I totally engrossed at a movie. The visual world of Pandora is just stunning. The action scenes are intense and awesome. The story is a bit predictable, but the surreal vision of the environment more than make up for it. Some people have claimed it is racist because of the one line in the movie “How does it feel to betray your race?”. How is that a racist statement when the hero has taken the side of the Aliens. Race in this instance means the human race you morons. Seeing it in 3D amplified the experience and I can’t imagine it any other way. This was one movie that was definitely worth the money in my opinion and I think it will spawn a generation of Avatards.

I try to give an album a couple of listens before I actually review it. I heard the song “You Must be out of Your Mind” on XPN’s Y-Rock at work while I was Zuneless and was intrigued. The lead singers voice on that track sounds like a combination of the guy from Crash Test Dummies and Mike Doughty of  Coughing fame. I like “You Must be out of Your Mind” and I like “We are Having a Hootenanny”, which has a kind of weird gospel/reggae/bluegrass feel to it. Different to be sure, but then the next track came on called “I don’t Know what to Say” which totally ripped off “Groovy Kind of Love” made famous in 1965 by The Mindbenders. I hate that song! The rest of the album, or what I could stand listening to is boring. If you like mellow indie rock with a classical feel this album is for you, I am going to delete it off my Zune as soon as I get home today. I think that sums up my feelings on it.

I am so sick of all the cute little catch phrases that permeate politics these days. You know transparency, shovel ready, smart-this, green-that, earth friendly, dolphin free (ok that was a throwback to tuna of the eighties). The most irksome of all is transparency. Not only did our current president use this as a foundation of his presidential race, but so has the recently elected mayor of Harrisburg. It’s all more hoopla that no one is holding anyone accountable. Let’s see in the past few days the vice president held a conference on transparency that was closed to the press, the mayor has issued a gag order to school district, but issued the salaries of her new cronies under intense pressure from the media and a few Right to Know requests. Aren’t those actions kind of anti-transparent, aren’t they opaque, covert or whatever nice catch phrase you want to call it. I’m not saying this out of any political view. What I’m talking about is holding our elected officials accountable to promises they made to us, their constituents. Do they really think that with healthcare, TARP, and a city on the verge of bankruptcy, that people would forget what was said on the campaign trail? I say this from a non-political viewpoint. If someone runs for office, whether they be Republican, Democrat or Socialist, if a candidate says something during their campaign, that is a contract with their constituents. If they fail in fulfilling this, they should be held in breach of contract. The worst part of it all is that an honest, sincere person can not run for politics. They have also priced the common man out of running. Why should an election cost more than the GDP of some countries.  John Wayne , where the hell are you?